ProjectItem Methods

Requires: Base Development System

View the class hierarchy.

Add FileAdds a file at the specified path to the LabVIEW project with the referenced project item as the parent. You also can use the Project Explorer window to add a file to a project. Details
Add ItemAdds a new project item of the specified type to the LabVIEW project with the referenced item as the parent. You also can use the Project Explorer window to add an item to a project. Details
Add Item From MemoryAdds an item that exists in memory to the LabVIEW project with the referenced project item as the parent. Details
CollapseHides the contents of an expandable project item in the Project Explorer window. Expandable project items include folders, project libraries, LabVIEW classes, and XControls. Details
Convert to Auto-populating FolderConnect this project item to a folder on disk. Details
DeleteRemoves the referenced project item from the LabVIEW project. If the item has children, the children also are deleted. You also can use the Project Explorer window to remove items from the project. Details
ExpandDisplays the contents of an expandable project item in the Project Explorer window. Expandable project items include folders, project libraries, LabVIEW classes, and XControls. Details
Get All DescendentsRecursively returns project items that appear under the referenced item in the project tree. For example, if you call this method on project library A that contains an inner project library B, the method returns items owned both by library A and library B. Details
Replace Item WithReplace a project item with a chosen file. The default value of "Allow If Missing?" is FALSE. The default value of "Save Option" is "Save All Without Prompts". The "Modified VIs" will return an array of references to the modified VIs. The "Modified Libraries" will return an array of references to the modified Libraries. Details
Stop Auto-populatingDisconnect this folder from a folder on disk. Details
Tag:DeleteRemoves the named tag from the LabVIEW project item. Details
Tag:Get NamesReturns an array of tag names of all tags on the referenced project item. Details
Tag:Get TagReturns a tag value associated with the project item. Details
Tag:Get XML TagReturns the value in an XML tag. Details
Tag:Set TagSets a tag value associated with the LabVIEW project. Details
Tag:Set XML TagSets the value of an XML tag associated with the LabVIEW project. Details