Get All Descendents Method

Short Name: Get All Descendents

Requires: Base Development System

Class: ProjectItem Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Recursively returns project items that appear under the referenced item in the project tree. For example, if you call this method on project library A that contains an inner project library B, the method returns items owned both by library A and library B.

For this method, the term descendents does not refer to children classes of the referenced project item.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
TypeYesSpecifies which kind of project items this method returns. The following values are the most common Type values:
  • VI—Most VI types, such as ordinary VIs, polymorphic VIs, control VIs, and global VIs
  • Library
  • LVLibp—Packed project libraries
  • LVClass—LabVIEW classes
  • Class Private Data—private data control of a LabVIEW class
  • XControl—XControl libraries
  • Ability VI—VI within an XControl
  • Folder

To determine the value of Type for a project item that is not listed above, use the Type String property to programmatically return the type of the item.

This method checks for exact matches to the Type you specify. For example, if you specify a Type of Library, this method returns only .lvlib project items, not LabVIEW classes or XControls. Furthermore, if you specify a Type of VI, the method does not return private data controls or XControl VIs because these specialized VIs have their own type.

Some of the values listed above are supported only on certain LabVIEW Development Systems. Refer to for more information about LabVIEW Development Systems.

ExcludeDependenciesNoSpecifies whether to ignore items under the Dependencies folder if the referenced item is a project. If the referenced item is a target, this input specifies whether to exclude items under the target. If the referenced item is neither a project nor a target, this input has no effect on the output of this method.
ExcludeBuildsNoIf TRUE, does not return Build Specifications or any items under Build Specifications. The default is FALSE.
ExcludeTargetsNoIf TRUE, does not return any targets or any items under targets. The default is FALSE.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data type
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemNo
Settable when the VI is runningNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes