IntensityGraph Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control»GraphChart. View the class hierarchy.

To modify the scale or cursor legend in an intensity graph programmatically, create Property Nodes for each element of the legend you want to modify. For example, if you want to modify the scale label, right-click the string element in the scale legend and create a Property Node for that element.

Active CursorUse this property to get and set the active cursor and set properties and methods on that cursor. Details
Annotation ListArray of information about all annotations. Each array element is a cluster of annotation elements. Details
Color TableArray of 256 colors defining the color map. Details
CursorReference to active cursor. Details
Cursor Legend VisibleDisplays the cursor legend. Details
Cursor ListArray of information about all cursors. Each array element is a cluster of Cursor properties. Details
Cursors Scroll GraphGets or sets whether dragging the cursor outside the bounds of the graph continues to scroll the graph. Set this property to TRUE to allow scrolling outside the bounds of the graph. Details
Ignore ArrayIndicate use of Color Table instead of Z Scale color settings. Details
Plot Images:FrontSets the plot area foreground image, which is in front of the plot data. Details
Selected CursorsDisplays the currently selected cursor. Details
Smooth UpdateDraws graph with less flicker, but slightly slower. (Mac OS X) LabVIEW ignores this property. Details
Z ScaleReference to the Z-Scale. Details