Zooming and Moving the View of a Graph or Chart

To zoom in or out or to move the view to an area not visible in a graph or chart, right-click the graph or chart and select Visible Items»Graph Palette to display the graph palette, shown in the following image.

Note  You also can click to move the cursor on a graph.

Zooming In or Out

Click , and select from the following images to zoom in or out.

Zooms in an area of the graph or chart.

Zooms in an area of the graph or chart on the x-axis.

Zooms in an area of the graph or chart on the y-axis.

Zooms in or out to autoscale the graph or chart.

Zooms in. Hold <Shift> to zoom out while you are zooming in, and release <Shift> to zoom in again.

Zooms out. Hold <Shift> to zoom in while you are zooming out, and release <Shift> to zoom out again.

Moving the View to an Area Not Visible

Complete the following steps to move the view to an area not visible in the graph or chart.

  1. Click .
  2. Click the graph or chart, without releasing the mouse.
  3. Move the mouse to either side of the axes.