Generating Images of Individual Front Panel Objects

Use the Get Image method to generate an image of a single front panel object. Use the Append Control Image to Report VI to append an image of a front panel object to a report.

Complete the following steps to use the Get Image method to generate an image of a single front panel object.

  1. On the block diagram, right-click the terminal of the control or indicator for which you want to generate an image and select Create»Invoke Node»Get Image from the shortcut menu to create an Invoke Node.
  2. Right-click the Image Depth input and select Create»Constant from the shortcut menu to create a numeric constant.
  3. Enter 1, 4, 8, or 24 in the numeric constant and press the <Enter> key to set the color depth of the image.

    Value Definition
    1 1-bit, black and white image
    4 4-bit, 16-color image
    8 8-bit, 256-color image
    24 24-bit, true-color image
  4. (Optional) Specify a background color for the image by wiring a color box constant or a numeric color value to the BG Color input.
  5. Add one of the following VIs to the block diagram:
  6. Wire the Image Data output of the Invoke Node to the image data input of the graphic format VI.
  7. Right-click the path to format file input of the graphic format VI and select Create»Control from the shortcut menu, where format is the graphic format of the image.
  8. In the path to format file front panel control, enter a path that includes the directory where you want to save the image and a filename for the image.

Run the VI to save the image to the directory you entered.

The following block diagram saves an image of a waveform chart to the PNG format.

You also can create a subVI that contains the Invoke Node and wire a control reference to the subVI.