Web Server:Server Active Property

Short Name: WebSrvr.Active

Requires: Base Development System

Class: Application Properties

To Use: Create a property.

Determines whether the built-in Web Server is enabled. This property immediately changes the status of the Web Server without requiring you to restart LabVIEW. Changes using this property are not saved across sessions of LabVIEW and are not reflected on the Web Server page of the Options dialog box.

This property is similar to the Enable Remote Panel Server option on the Web Server page of the Options dialog box. However, you must restart LabVIEW to apply changes to this option. Unlike the Web Server:Server Active property, changes to this option are saved and appear the next time you open LabVIEW.



The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Data type
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Remote access allowedNo


Refer to the Remote Panel Methods.lvproj in the labview\examples\Data Communication\Remote Panels directory for an example of using the Web Server:Server Active property.

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