Tutorial: Using the Fuzzy System Designer

You can use the PID and Fuzzy Logic VIs to design a fuzzy system in one of two ways: using the Fuzzy System Designer or using the Fuzzy Logic VIs. This tutorial teaches you to design a fuzzy system interactively using the Fuzzy System Designer.

Tip��Refer to the Modifying a Fuzzy System with the Fuzzy Logic VIs tutorial to learn how to design and modify fuzzy systems using the Fuzzy Logic VIs.

In this tutorial, you use the Fuzzy System Designer to design a fuzzy system similar to the vehicle maneuvering example described in the topics on fuzzy system design. As a reference, you can find the complete fuzzy system you design in this tutorial, Truck - backward.fs, in the labview\examples\control\fuzzy\Car Parking directory.

1. Creating Input Linguistic Variables