Tutorial: Modifying a Fuzzy System with the Fuzzy Logic VIs

In the Using the Fuzzy System Designer tutorial, you design a fuzzy system interactively using the Fuzzy System Designer and then implement a fuzzy controller for that system using the FL Fuzzy Controller VI. You also can design a fuzzy system programmatically using the Fuzzy Logic VIs. However, in most cases, it is easier to use the Fuzzy System Designer to design a fuzzy system first and then use the Fuzzy Logic VIs to make programmatic modifications to the system. In this tutorial, you modify a fuzzy system programmatically using the Fuzzy Logic VIs.

This tutorial uses the example of a greenhouse control system to illustrate how to modify a fuzzy system using the Fuzzy Logic VIs. The greenhouse.fs file, located in the labview\examples\control\fuzzy\Dynamic greenhouse controller directory, represents the fuzzy system that you modify in this chapter.

1. Observing the Fuzzy System