Obtaining a VI Reference

Requires: VI Scripting

To use VI Scripting to inspect, modify, or create VIs and VI objects, you must usually begin by obtaining a reference to the target VI with which you want to interact. You then can use the reference to obtain references to objects within the target VI or to add new objects to the target VI.

Refer to the following table to identify the best way to obtain a VI reference for your specific use case.

Type of Target VIHow to Obtain a Reference to the Target VI
Pre-existing target VI whose path you know at edit timeStatic VI Reference

 Add  Find
Pre-existing target VI that you want to select at run time

Target VI that you intend to call with the Call By Reference node
Open VI Reference

 Add  Find
New VINew VI

 Add  Find
New VI with contents copied from a template VICreate a new VI from a template.

Caveats and Recommendations