Controlling Error Notification

Use exception control to treat what is normally an error as no error or to treat a warning as an error.

Complete the following steps to cancel an existing error or upgrade a warning to an error.

  1. Add the General Error Handler VI to the block diagram.

     Add  Find
  2. Right-click the [exception action] input and select Create»Control. A control icon appears.
  3. Double-click the [exception action] control to open the front panel. Set [exception action] to cancel error on match to cancel an error or set error on match to treat a warning as an error.
  4. Right-click the [exception code] input on the block diagram and select Create»Control. A control icon appears.
  5. Double-click the [exception code] control to open the front panel. Set [exception code] to match the error code you want to cancel or to the code value of error in for a warning you want to treat as an error.
  6. (Optional) If you have the exact string value of the error source that normally appears when the error or warning occurs, right-click the [exception source] input on the block diagram and select Create»Control. Double-click the [exception source] control to open the front panel. Enter the exact string value in the [exception source] text box.
  7. Select File»Save As to display a file dialog box. Navigate to the directory in which you want to save the VI. Enter the name of the VI and click the Save button.