Error Codes and Messages

This book lists block diagram error messages and numeric error codes, names, and descriptions for programmatic errors. The error code tables are arranged in ascending order, from negative to positive values. You can define custom error codes in the range of -8999 through -8000, 5000 through 9999, or 500,000 through 599,999.

Wire an error handler VI to another VI to return a description of any errors that occur. Error handler VIs also can display a dialog box with an error code description and buttons that can stop or continue execution. You also can select Help»Explain Error to display an error code description in the Explain Error dialog box. Enter the error code number in the Code field or, if the error code number is in hexadecimal format, in the Hex Code field. Press the <Enter> key or click anywhere in the dialog box to display a description of the error code in the Explanation field. This description is the same description that appears in this help file.

Note  ActiveX error codes are documented by Microsoft in winerror.h.

Contact National Instruments technical support if you receive an error message that is not listed in this book.

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