Signal Manipulation Express VIs

Owning Palette: Express VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Signal Manipulation Express VIs to manipulate signals and to perform data type conversions.

Note  The VIs on this palette return an error if an input signal is a waveform with a dt less than or equal to zero.
Palette ObjectDescription
Align and ResamplePerforms an alignment of signals by changing the start time or performs a resampling of signals by changing the time delta. This Express VI returns the adjusted signals.
Append SignalsAppends signals to each other. You can use this Express VI to append a signal to the end of another signal, append signals in a combined signal to each other, append the same signal to the end of each signal in a combined signal, or append a combined signal to another combined signal.
CollectorCollects input signals and returns the most recent data, up to the specified maximum number of samples per channel. When you call this Express VI repeatedly and the Express VI reaches the maximum number of samples per channel, the Express VI discards the oldest data and adds the newest data to the collected samples.
Convert from Dynamic DataConverts the dynamic data type to numeric, Boolean, waveform, and array data types for use with other VIs and functions.
Convert to Dynamic DataConverts numeric, Boolean, waveform and array data types to the dynamic data type for use with Express VIs.
Delay ValuesStores data from previous iterations of a loop and passes the data after the specified number of iterations occur.
Extract Portion of SignalExtracts portions of data from the input signals and returns the extracted data. You can extract a single point or a range of data, and you can extract data by time or index. You also can find the time and index of the first occurrence of a value.
Get Dynamic Data AttributesRetrieves the attributes of the dynamic data you wire to Signals In.
Group Digital SignalsGroups digital data into a digital data array and groups digital waveforms into a digital waveform array.
Merge SignalsMerges two or more supported signals, such as scalar numerics, 1D or 2D arrays of numerics, scalar Booleans, 1D or 2D arrays of Booleans, waveforms, or 1D arrays of waveforms, into a single output. Resize the function to add inputs. This function automatically appears on the block diagram when you wire a signal output to the wire branch of another signal.
RelayConfigures a relay switch that turns the input signal on and off.
Repack ValuesAccepts signals with any number of data points and produces packets of signals that use a packet size you specify.
Sample CompressionAcquires a large number of data points and compresses the data points into a smaller number of points.
Select SignalsAccepts multiple signals as inputs and returns only the signals you select. You can specify which signals to include in the output and change the order of the input signals.
Set Dynamic Data AttributesSets the attributes of the dynamic data you wire to Signals In.
Split SignalsSplits two or more signals into component signals. Resize the function to add outputs.
Trigger and GateUses triggering to extract a segment out of a signal. The trigger conditions can be based on a start or stop trigger threshold or can be static. When a trigger condition is static, the trigger occurs immediately and this Express VI returns a predefined number of samples.