Group Digital Signals Express VI

Owning Palette: Signal Manipulation Express VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Groups digital data into a digital data array and groups digital waveforms into a digital waveform array.

LabVIEW treats ungrouped signals as individual groups.

Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Inputs
Block Diagram Outputs
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Dialog Box Options

Number of signalsSpecifies the number of signals you want to wire to the Express VI. Configure this option first. This number must match the number of signals you wire to Digital Data In. Otherwise, LabVIEW returns an error.
Use incoming waveform namesAllows you to retain the original names of the waveforms you wire to Digital Data In. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to use the line and bus names you specify using the Rename button.
Order of signalsDisplays the sequential order of the digital signals.
Plot LegendContains the lines and buses you configure in the configuration dialog box. Use this tree control to drag and drop lines into the order you want to view them in the output array. To put lines into groups, right-click a line and select Insert Bus and then drag other lines onto that bus. You cannot drag a line onto another line, a bus onto another bus, or a bus onto a line.
Graph PreviewDisplays a preview of the lines and buses based on the organization you specify in the configuration dialog box.
RenameAllows you to rename the line or bus you select in the Plot Legend tree control. You also can right-click a line or bus and select Rename from the shortcut menu or double-click a line or bus to type a new name. To rename lines or buses, you must remove the checkmark from the Use incoming waveform names checkbox. Otherwise, the incoming line names take precedence over the new names you specify.
Insert BusInserts a new bus above the line or bus you select in the Plot Legend tree control. You also can right-click a line or bus and select Insert Bus from the shortcut menu.
Delete All BusesDeletes all the buses from the Plot Legend tree control. To delete a single bus, right-click the bus and select Delete Bus from the shortcut menu. You can delete only buses, not lines. LabVIEW considers lines listed under deleted buses as ungrouped signals.

Block Diagram Inputs

Digital Data InSpecifies the input signals you want to organize into groups.
error inDescribes error conditions that occur before this node runs.

Block Diagram Outputs

Digital Data OutReturns a digital data array or a digital waveform array, depending on the data type of Digital Data In.
error outContains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.