MathScript Error Codes (MathScript RT Module)

You can use LabVIEW MathScript with the MathScript Node and the LabVIEW MathScript Window. The MathScript RT Module can return the following error codes, as well as certain block diagram error messages. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−90165 A command occurred that is only supported within a loop, such as a For Loop or a While Loop.
−90164 An unidentified error occurred in the parser.
−90163 The parser aborted recognition of a token.
−90162 A recognition error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
−90161 An I/O error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
−90160 An unidentified error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
−90159 A semantic error occurred while parsing.
−90158 LabVIEW found an unexpected character while parsing.
−90157 LabVIEW found an unexpected token while parsing.
−90156 LabVIEW found a mismatched token while parsing.
−90155 LabVIEW found a mismatched character while parsing.
−90154 An unidentified error occurred while attempting to recognize a character or token.
−90153 An I/O error occurred while generating a stream of characters.
−90152 An unidentified error occurred while generating a stream of characters.
−90151 A parser error occurred.
−90149 The MathScript RT Module is not installed on this computer, has expired, or is licensed invalidly. Install or activate the LabVIEW MathScript RT Module on this computer to continue using this product. Visit the National Instruments Web site at to purchase these products. If you have already purchased this product, select Help�Activate LabVIEW Components to activate this product.
−90148 The MathScript RT Module requires the LabVIEW Full or Professional Development Systems, LabVIEW Debug Deployment System, or LabVIEW Student Edition to run correctly. Visit the National Instruments Web site at to purchase these products. If you have already purchased one of these products, select Help�Activate LabVIEW Components to activate the product.
−90147 The MathScript parser DLL is missing or corrupt. You might need to reinstall LabVIEW to correct this issue.
−90146 Invalid output data type. The output terminal to the MathScript Node breaks if you attempt to pass a structure with a field that is a plot object.
−90145 Invalid output data type. The output terminal to the MathScript Node breaks if you attempt to pass a structure with a field that is not known until run time.
−90144 Invalid output data type. The output terminal to the MathScript Node breaks if you attempt to pass a dynamic structure.
−90143 Invalid output data type. You cannot pass a cell array of any data type other than string out of the MathScript Node.
−90131 This variable depends upon an input to the function that is unwired.
−90130 This function is not supported on the current hardware target.
−90129 LabVIEW cannot coerce the output to the desired data type. Ensure that the desired data type does not cause part of the value to be lost and that LabVIEW can coerce all possible values of the output to the desired data type.
−90128 You cannot use the : operator as a parameter to a function. You can use : only in a variable indexing operation.
−90127 The function as written will be ignored in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.
−90126 All columns of a matrix must have the same number of rows.
−90125 The LabVIEW MathScript function is not available on this platform.
−90124 Arguments to the global or persistent functions must be string literals.
−90123 The global and persistent keywords are reserved for the global and persistent built-in functions, and you cannot use those words to name a function or a script.
−90122 The global and persistent keywords are reserved for the global and persistent built-in functions, and you cannot use those words as variables.
−90121 LabVIEW did not locate the requested function in the .m file.
−90120 The function you specified as an argument contains an incorrect syntax. Make sure that the function has the correct data types and the correct number of inputs and outputs described by the help.
−90119 The times input of the ode function must contain at least two elements, and these elements must be strictly monotonic.
−90118 A return command occurred that is supported only within a user-defined function or script.
−90117 A continue command occurred that is supported only within a loop, such as a For Loop or a While Loop.
−90116 A break command occurred that is supported only within a loop, such as a For Loop or a While Loop.
−90115 The specified attribute is read-only.
−90114 The specified attribute name or attribute value is invalid.
−90113 The specified object no longer exists or is corrupt.
−90112 An internal error occurred while processing this MathScript. Contact National Instruments with the MathScript you used.
−90111 Cannot find the function you specified as an argument. Make sure the function is saved in the LabVIEW Data directory or a directory in the MathScript search path list. The MathScript search path list identifies where LabVIEW searches for functions and scripts.
−90110 This function can be called only in the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
−90109 The operating system reported a problem while trying to unload the shared library.
−90108 You cannot call a function with the requested type of input. Ensure that the inputs are non-complex and the function prototypes use supported types.
−90107 The function you requested does not exist in the shared library.
−90106 You cannot call shared library functions with numeric pointer return types from MathScript.
−90105 The shared library function expects a value but was called with a matrix.
−90104 LabVIEW could not parse the header file correctly.
−90103 The operating system could not load the shared library because a problem was reported. The library may be reserved by another application or it may be an invalid library.
−90102 LabVIEW could not call the function from the shared library.
−90101 LabVIEW could not return a string from the shared library call.
−90100 LabVIEW could not find the specified function in the header file.
−90099 The shared library you requested is not loaded. Use the lib_load MathScript RT Module function to load the shared library before you call the shared library.
−90098 A shared library with the specified name or alias already is loaded.
−90097 LabVIEW could not find the header file in the search path. LabVIEW searches the working directory and the MathScript search path by default. If you want LabVIEW to search in an additional path, use the 'includepath' input with the lib_load MathScript RT Module function.
−90096 LabVIEW could not find the shared library in the search path. LabVIEW searches the working directory and the MathScript search path by default. If you want LabVIEW to search in an additional path, use the 'includepath' input with the lib_load MathScript RT Module function.
−90095 The input parameters must be integers less than bitmax.
−90094 This is a custom error message generated in the script.
−90093 The LabVIEW Run-Time Engine does not support this function. Remove this unsupported MathScript function from your scripts before you build a stand-alone application or shared library.
−90092 The end keyword is valid only as part of a matrix indexing operation. This error can occur when you attempt to use end without an associated variable. To correct this error, make sure that you use the end MathScript RT Module function with an associated variable within matrix indexing operations. For example, change A = (end) to A(end).
−90091 The specified range is too large.
−90090 The user function signature contains an incorrect number of outputs. It must contain one output.
−90089 The user function signature contains an incorrect number of inputs. It must contain two inputs.
−90088 A switch statement supports only scalar elements and strings.
−90087 The given function name does not correspond to a known function.
−90086 LabVIEW cannot compile the current MathScript. Contact National Instruments with the MathScript you used.
−90084 You tried to pass an input of an unexpected data type to the .m file or the .m file output is of an unexpected data type. The two inputs and the output must all be double vectors.
−90083 MathScript cannot open the user-defined function. This could be due to a missing .m file or an incorrect search path.
−90082 The fields of the structure you want to reorder do not match the fields of the model structure.
−90081 The permutation array must have the same length as the number of fields in the structure you want to reorder.
−90080 Cannot find the field you specified within the structure.
−90079 You specified an invalid format specifier.
−90078 The sizes of the input matrices are incompatible.
−90077 Invalid input data type. You cannot pass a structure with an invalid input data type into the MathScript Node.
−90076 You cannot use the "." operator to dereference data that is not a structure.
−90075 Field names must be strings.
−90072 You specified an empty matrix.
−90071 Field names must begin with an alphabetic character. Field names can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
−90070 The lengths of the two input vectors are not compatible.
−90069 MathScript can only dereference individual structure elements. You must index the structure array before you can dereference.
−90068 You cannot dereference a field that does not exist within the structure.
−90067 The elements of the input vector must be in increasing order.
−90066 NI-DAQmx is not installed or might be corrupted. Install or repair the NI-DAQmx software. NI-DAQmx is not installed or might be corrupted. Install or repair the NI-DAQmx software.
−90065 The values of the input vectors are not compatible.
−90064 All elements of the input vector must be positive.
−90063 All real elements of the input vector must be greater than or equal to 0.
−90062 All input elements must be in the interval [-1, 1].
−90061 You specified an empty vector.
−90060 This function requires the LabVIEW Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit 2.0 or later, but the toolkit is either not installed or not licensed properly.
−90059 The input parameter must be a vector.
−90058 The variable is defined within the script, but the code that defines the variable did not execute. The variable is defined within the script, but the code that defines the variable did not execute. If the code that defines the variable will never execute, delete the output terminal associated with the variable.
−90057 The input scalar must be in the interval [0, 1].
−90056 The input scalar cannot be 0.
−90055 The input scalar must be positive.
−90054 The input scalar must be greater than or equal to 0.
−90053 You can specify only one or two index arguments, such as a(1, 2). Your code contains indexes for more than two dimensions.
−90052 You specified an invalid number of output parameters for this function.
−90051 You specified an invalid number of input parameters for this function.
−90050 You cannot specify a step size of zero for a range.
−90049 The input parameters must be real, positive numbers.
−90048 You must call the timerstart function before calling the timerstop function.
−90047 You must use a square matrix.
−90046 The input parameters are not in the required format.
−90045 The base of the number conversion must be an integer between 2 and 36.
−90044 You must operate on the first or second dimension.
−90043 The matrix sizes are not valid.
−90042 The data types you specified are incompatible. This error can occur when you build a matrix with elements of different data types.
−90041 All rows of a matrix must have the same number of columns.
−90040 The sizes of the inputs are incompatible. Verify that x, y, and z have the same size or that the length of x and y equal the number of columns and rows of z.
−90039 You cannot convert a Boolean to a character. This error can occur when you replace a character matrix element with a Boolean or when you explicitly convert a Boolean to a character.
−90038 You cannot convert a uint64 number to a Boolean. This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a uint64 element or when you explicitly convert a uint64 number to a Boolean.
−90037 You cannot convert an int64 number to a Boolean. This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with an int64 element or when you explicitly convert an int64 number to a Boolean.
−90036 You cannot convert a character to a Boolean. This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a character or when you explicitly convert a character to a Boolean.
−90035 You cannot convert a complex number to a Boolean. This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a complex element or when you explicitly convert a complex number to a Boolean.
−90034 The number of rows and columns that the indexes specify must equal the number of rows and columns of values you want to set.
−90033 You cannot use an empty matrix to delete a single element in a 2D matrix.
−90032 The indexes are out of bounds for the variable you specified.
−90031 The given name does not correspond to a known function, variable, or symbol.
−90030 You cannot resize a 2D matrix by indexing the matrix with a linear index that is out of the bounds of the matrix.
−90029 You cannot replace elements of a matrix with elements of non-matrix data types, such as plot objects and state-space, transfer function, and zero-pole-gain models.
−90028 The number of indexes must match the number of values you want to assign to a matrix.
−90027 You cannot index a variable of a non-matrix data type, such as a plot object or a state-space, transfer function, or zero-pole-gain model.
−90026 The indexes for a matrix indexing operation must be real, positive integers.
−90025 The file identifier you specified is invalid. Make sure LabVIEW opened the file successfully.
−90024 LabVIEW does not understand the optional parameter you passed to this function. Verify that you spelled the parameter correctly and that the option is valid for this function.
−90023 The data type of the input parameters is not valid for this operation.
−90022 LabVIEW does not understand the parameters you passed to this function.
−90021 This function does not operate on matrices of 3 or more dimensions.
−90020 LabVIEW cannot display the content of a plug-in data type on RT.
−90019 This operation requires at least one parameter to be a scalar.
−90018 The input parameters for this function must be real.
−90017 The bit you want to set is outside the range of the current floating-point representation.
−90016 The bit you want to get is outside the range of the current floating-point representation.
−90015 If you perform a bitwise complement and treat the result as an N-bit number, the original number cannot be greater than 2^N.
−90014 The input parameters must be nonnegative integers less than bitmax.
−90013 Elements of the input matrices must be nonnegative integers of the same data type.
−90012 You cannot use this function in a MathScript Node that is not on an RT target.
−90011 The sizes of the input matrices are incompatible. Verify that the matrices have the same size or that one is a scalar.
−90010 The inputs to this function must be scalar.
−90009 The operator you want to use is not defined. If the operator is correct, contact National Instruments.
−90008 This function is not defined to operate on complex data. This error can occur when you perform a logical operation with invalid data types.
−90007 This function is not defined to operate on Boolean, character, or single-precision data. This error can occur when you perform a bitwise operation with invalid data types.
−90006 This function is defined to operate only on letters of the ISO-8859-1 character set
−90005 An output variable of the user-defined function is undefined. The output variable might be defined in the body of a case structure or a loop in the .m file that does not execute at run time.
−90004 This function is not defined for non-numeric data types.
−90003 This function is not defined for the number of parameters you supplied.
−90002 You must wire a valid data type to this input or delete the input.
−90001 A problem occurred in a subVI call.