Note To configure the search path list for the LabVIEW MathScript Window, use the MathScript: Search Paths page of the LabVIEW MathScript Properties dialog box. To configure the search path list for MathScript Nodes in a target in a project, display the MathScript: Search Paths page from the Properties dialog box for the target.
Search path(s) for .m files—Sets the default search path list for MathScript. LabVIEW searches the path list from top to bottom to find functions or scripts that you defined and want to execute in MathScript. The default is the LabVIEW Data directory.
Working directory—Indicates the default directory for saving and loading files in MathScript. The first directory in the Search path(s) for .m files list specifies the working directory. The default is the LabVIEW Data directory.
Add Folder—Adds a new folder to the bottom of the Search path(s) for .m files list.
Add Recursive—Adds a new folder and its subfolders to the bottom of the Search path(s) for .m files list.
Remove—Removes the selected folder from the Search path(s) for .m files list.
Down—Moves the selected folder down in the Search path(s) for .m files list.
Up—Moves the selected folder up in the Search path(s) for .m files list.
Script Highlighting—Use this section to enable or disable script highlighting for all MathScript Nodes and to customize the syntax and data type highlighting settings for MathScript Nodes that have script highlighting enabled. (Windows) The Enable script highlighting and Syntax components also apply to the Script Editor on the Script tab of the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
Enable script highlighting—Enables script highlighting for all MathScript Nodes and on Windows computers, the Script Editor in the LabVIEW MathScript Window. If you enable script highlighting, you can use the shortcut menu to choose between syntax and data type highlighting or to disable script highlighting for a particular MathScript Node. However, after you disable script highlighting for a particular MathScript Node, you cannot use the Enable script highlighting checkbox to enable script highlighting for that node. Instead, use the shortcut menu of the MathScript Node to enable script highlighting. To disable script highlighting for all MathScript Nodes, including existing nodes, remove the checkmark from this checkbox.
Syntax—Configures colors for syntax highlighting.
Operators—Changes the color of operators, such as + and &&.
Keywords—Changes the color of keywords, such as for and if.
Variables—Changes the color of variables.
Numeric literals—Changes the color of numeric literals, such as 123.
String literals—Changes the color of string literals, such as 'abc'.
Unknown symbols—Changes the color of unknown symbols. If a MathScript Node contains a warning glyph, LabVIEW colors all built-in functions, built-in constants, user-defined functions, and variables as unknown symbols.
Built-in constants—Changes the color of built-in constants, such as inf and nan.
Built-in functions—Changes the color of built-in functions, such as sum and sqrt.
Comments—Changes the color of comments.
Restore Default Settings—Restores the default setting for script highlighting in MathScript Nodes.
Sample Script—Displays a sample MathScript. Use this script to preview the settings you select.
Data Types—Configures colors and font attributes for data type highlighting.
Add-On—Changes the color of variables of data types that LabVIEW modules and toolkits add to MathScript, such as the state-space, transfer function, and zero-pole-gain models of the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module with the MathScript Node. This setting also changes the color of variables of the MathScript plot object type.
Note You must have the Control Design and Simulation Module installed to use the state-space, transfer function, and zero-pole-gain models. Refer to the Control Design and Simulation Module documentation for more information about these models.
Variant—Changes the color of variables whose values can be one of multiple different data types that LabVIEW determines only at run time. LabVIEW returns an error if you wire variant data to a MathScript Node input terminal.
Void—Changes the color of variables whose data type is unknown. For example, if a variable is undefined or if the MathScript Node contains an error, the data type of the variable is unknown.
Cell Arrays—Changes the color of cell array variables.
Scalar—Configures the following font attributes for scalar variables:
Italic—Applies italic to the font.
Bold—Applies bold to the font.
Underline—Applies underline to the font.
1D Array—Configures the following font attributes for 1D array variables:
Italic—Applies italic to the font.
Bold—Applies bold to the font.
Underline—Applies underline to the font.
2D Array—Configures the following font attributes for 2D array variables:
Italic—Applies italic to the font.
Bold—Applies bold to the font.
Underline—Applies underline to the font.
Restore Default Settings—Restores the default setting for script highlighting in MathScript Nodes.
Sample Script—Displays a sample MathScript. Use this script to preview the settings you select.