NI Instrument Driver Finder

Requires: Base Development System (Linux, Windows)

Select Help»Find Instrument Drivers to display the NI Instrument Driver Finder. You also can select Tools»Instrumentation»Find Instrument Drivers or click the Connect to Instruments link on the Find Drivers and Add-ons pane of Getting Started window to display the Instrument Driver Finder. Before you begin using the Instrument Driver Finder, make sure you choose the appropriate method of instrument control.

Note  (Windows) You also can search in LabVIEW for instrument drivers on

Use the Instrument Driver Finder to search for and install LabVIEW Plug and Play instrument drivers without leaving the LabVIEW development environment. You must have Internet access to use the Instrument Driver Finder. If the Instrument Driver Finder cannot connect to, it displays an error message and closes after you click the OK button.

You must be a registered user at to install drivers from the Instrument Driver Finder. Click the Login button to display the Login page, where you can log in or register for an account. If another user is logged in, click the Change User button to log out and display the Login page.

The Instrument Driver Finder includes the following pages and components: