Searching in LabVIEW (Windows)

LabVIEW includes an application-wide search capability. The search returns results from the Controls and Functions palettes, the help system, and In localized versions of LabVIEW, the search may return results in the local language and in English. The search text box appears in the upper-right corner of the Getting Started window and the front panel and the block diagram windows of a VI in edit mode. The following figure shows the search text box:

In the front panel window and block diagram window, you can expand and collapse the search text box by clicking the black arrow to the left of the text box. The following figure shows the collapsed search text box:

Enter a word or phrase you want to search in the search text box. Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to search the exact phrase.

Note��The Palette category does not return results if you search a quoted phrase.

You can specify the categories you want LabVIEW to search. Select Tools�Options to display the Options dialog box and select Search from the Category list. Place a checkmark in the checkbox for the categories you want to search. You can choose from the following categories:

The NI Support, Community Support, Downloads, and Product Information categories require an Internet connection to return results. When you select a result in these categories, the result displays in the default Web browser.

Viewing Search Results

The search results display in the results list by category. Use the Search page of the Options dialog box to change the order the categories appear in the results list. Use the following icons to display, hide, or show more results.

Displays search results for a category.
Hides search results for a category.
Expands a category to display more results. A category expands to display up to 15 results per page. Use the paging buttons at the bottom of the results list to display more results, if they exist. When you expand a category, other categories do not display.
Collapses a category and displays all categories you select on the Search page of the Options dialog box.

Executing Actions from the Search Results

In each search result, you can perform common actions, such as opening a help topic or Web page, dropping a palette object onto the block diagram or front panel, or locating an object on a palette. Scroll over a result to highlight the result and view the available actions. You also can use the up and down arrow keys to highlight a result and view the available actions. Click an action link to perform the action. For example, click the Open action link or press the <Enter> key in a Help category search result to display the help topic in the help system. You also can click the result or press the <Enter> key to perform the default action. The default action link appears in bold.