Edit Controls and Functions Palette Set Dialog Box

Requires: Base Development System

Select Tools»Advanced»Edit Palette Set to display this dialog box. If you are working on multiple targets, display this dialog from a VI on the target whose palette set you want to modify.

Use this dialog box to edit a palette set, create and move subpalettes, insert rows or columns in a palette, set a file to update based on the contents of a directory, and add VIs to a palette set.

This dialog box includes the following components:

If a palette belongs to a project library, you can view the path to the project library. Right-click a palette and select Display Path To Palette File from the shortcut menu. LabVIEW displays the actual path of the palette and the path to the owning library, if the palette belongs to a library.

You also can use the Palette Editing VIs to edit the Controls or Functions palette set programmatically.