Creating Subpalettes in a Palette Set

Complete the following steps to insert a new, empty subpalette on the Controls or Functions palette. After you create a subpalette, you can add objects to the subpalette.

  1. Create an icon for each new object you want to add to the palette set.
  2. Select Tools»Advanced»Edit Palette Set to display the Edit Controls and Functions Palette Set dialog box.
  3. Right-click the palette and select Insert»Subpalette from the shortcut menu to display the Insert Subpalette dialog box.
  4. Select Create a new palette file to insert a new, empty subpalette and click the OK button.
  5. In the file dialog box that appears, enter the name to use for the .mnu file. Add a .mnu extension to the filename to indicate that it is a palette. You must store each subpalette you create in a separate .mnu file.
  6. Click the OK button. The Edit Palette Item Name dialog box appears.
  7. Enter the name of the new subpalette and click the OK button. The new, empty subpalette appears on the palette.

Empty subpalettes or subpalettes that contain only items that LabVIEW is unable to find are only visible when editing palettes. If the palette uses an icon format, a question mark on the palette indicates that LabVIEW cannot find the object on the palette. If the palette uses a text format, objects with an X mark on a pinned palette and dimmed objects on a temporary palette indicate that LabVIEW cannot find the object on the palette.