Signal Generation VIs

Owning Palette: Signal Processing VIs

Requires: Full Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Signal Generation VIs to generate one-dimensional arrays with specific waveform patterns. The Signal Generation VIs generate digital patterns and waveforms.

The VIs on this palette can return signal processing error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
Arbitrary WaveGenerates an array containing an arbitrary wave.
Bernoulli NoiseGenerates a pseudorandom pattern of ones and zeros. LabVIEW computes each element of bernoulli noise as if flipping a coin weighted by ones probability.
Binary MLSGenerates a maximum length sequence of ones and zeros using a modulo-2 primitive polynomial of order polynomial order.
Binomial NoiseGenerates a binomially-distributed, pseudorandom pattern whose values are the number of occurrences of an event, given the probability of that event occurring and the number of trials.
Chirp PatternGenerates an array containing a chirp pattern.
Gamma NoiseGenerates a pseudorandom pattern of values that are the waiting times to the order number event of a unit mean Poisson process.
Gaussian Modulated Sine PatternGenerates an array that contains a Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal pattern.
Gaussian MonopulseGenerates an array that contains a Gaussian monopulse.
Gaussian White NoiseGenerates a Gaussian-distributed, pseudorandom pattern whose statistical profile is (mu, sigma) = (0, s), where s is standard deviation.
Impulse PatternGenerates an array containing an impulse pattern.
Periodic Random NoiseGenerates an array containing periodic random noise (PRN).
Periodic Sinc PatternGenerates an array containing a periodic sinc pattern.
Poisson NoiseGenerates a pseudorandom sequence of values that are the number of discrete events that occur in a given interval, specified by mean, of a unit rate Poisson process.
Pulse PatternGenerates an array containing a pulse pattern.
Pulse TrainGenerates an array that concatenates a series of pulses according to the Prototype Pulse. This VI constructs the Pulse Train output by the specified interpolation method.
Quasi RandomGenerates quasi-random Halton or Richtmeyer sequences, which are low-discrepancy number sequences.
Ramp PatternGenerates an array containing a ramp pattern. You must manually select the polymorphic instance you want to use.
Sawtooth WaveGenerates an array containing a sawtooth wave.
Signal Generator by DurationGenerates a signal with a shape given by the signal type.
Sinc PatternGenerates an array containing a sinc pattern.
Sine PatternGenerates an array containing a sinusoidal pattern.
Sine WaveGenerates an array containing a sine wave.
Square WaveGenerates an array containing a square wave.
Tones and NoiseGenerates an array composed of a sum of sine tones, noise, and DC offset.
Triangle PatternGenerates an array that contains a triangle pattern.
Triangle WaveGenerates an array containing a triangle wave.
Uniform White NoiseGenerates a uniformly distributed, pseudorandom pattern whose values are in the range [–a:a], where a is the absolute value of amplitude.