Additional String VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: String Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Additional String VIs and functions to scan and search in strings, match patterns, and manipulate strings.

Palette ObjectDescription
1D String Array to Delimited StringConverts the elements of a one-dimensional string array to a single string with input array elements separated by a delimiting character.
Append True/False StringSelects either a FALSE or TRUE string according to a Boolean selector and appends that string to string.
Create NI GUIDGenerates a globally unique identifier (GUID) string.
Delimited String to 1D String ArrayConverts substrings in a delimited string to the elements of a one-dimensional string array.
Index String ArraySelects a string specified by index from string array and appends that string to string.
Match First StringCompares each prefix string in string array to the beginning of string until it encounters a match. This function returns the original input string with the matching prefix string removed.
Match True/False StringExamines the beginning of string to see whether it matches true string or false string. This function returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE value in selection, depending on whether string matches true string or false string.
Pick LineChooses a line from multi-line string and appends that line to string.
Reverse StringProduces a string whose characters are in reverse order of those in string.
Rotate StringPlaces the first character of string in the last position of first char last, shifting the other characters forward one position. For example, the string abcd becomes bcda.
Scan String For TokensScans input string starting at offset for tokens and outputs each segment as a token string.
Search and Replace PatternSearches string for substrings that match regular expression and replaces those substrings with replace string. A regular expression requires a specific combination of characters for pattern matching. For more information about special characters in regular expressions, refer to the regular expression input description in the detailed help.
Search/Split StringDivides a single string into two substrings.