Probability & Statistics PtByPt VIs

Owning Palette: Point By Point VIs

Requires: Full Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Probability & Statistics PtByPt VIs to perform probability, descriptive statistics, and analysis of variance operations.


The VIs on this palette can return point by point error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
General Histogram PtByPtFinds the discrete histogram of the set of input data points specified by sample length based on the given bin specifications.
Histogram PtByPtFinds the discrete histogram of the set of input data points specified by sample length. The histogram is a frequency count of the number of times that a specified interval occurs in the set of input data points.
Mean PtByPtComputes the mean, or average, of the values in the set of input data points specified by sample length. If the number of values is less than the sample length, the VI uses the number of values to compute the mean.
Median PtByPtFinds the median value of the set of input data points specified by sample length by sorting the values of the newest set of input data points and selecting the middle element(s) of the sorted set of data points.
Mode PtByPtFinds the mode of the set of input data points specified by sample length by computing the histogram of the input values and selecting the largest bin. The mode is the center value of the bin with the largest count.
Moment about Mean PtByPtComputes the moment about the mean using the specified order, m, for the set of input data points specified by sample length.
MSE PtByPtComputes the mean square error (mse) of x and y.
Normalize Vector PtByPtNormalizes input data point using the statistical profile (mean,standard deviation) to obtain a Normalized Vector whose statistical profile is (0,1).
RMS PtByPtComputes the root mean square (rms) of the set of input data points specified by sample length.
Sample Variance PtByPtComputes the mean and sample variance of the values in the set of input data points specified by sample length.
Standard Deviation PtByPtComputes the mean and the standard deviation of the values in the set of input data points specified by sample length.
Variance PtByPtComputes the variance and mean of the set of input data points specified by sample length.


Refer to the Moving Histogram PtByPt VI in the labview\examples\Signal Processing\Point by Point directory for an example of using the Probability & Statistics PtByPt VIs.

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