Owning Palette: Waveform Measurements VIs
Requires: Full Development System
Accepts an input signal of a single waveform or an array of waveforms and measures the transition duration (rise or fall time), slew rate, undershoot, and overshoot of a selected positive or negative transition in each waveform. Wire data to the signal in input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
![]() | Note The terminology and measurement definitions for this VI comply with IEEE Standard 181-2003, IEEE Standard on Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms. |
Use the pull-down menu to select an instance of this VI.
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edge number specifies the transition to measure. An edge number of n with rising polarity selected indicates that the VI measures the nth rising transition it detects in the input waveform. | ||||||||||||||||
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signal in is the waveform to measure. The waveform is required to contain at least edge number transitions in the direction specified by polarity. A rising transition is the interval between adjacent rising low ref level and high ref level crossings. A falling transition is the interval between adjacent falling high ref level and low ref level crossings. | ||||||||||||||||
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polarity specifies the direction of the transition to measure as rising (default) or falling. | ||||||||||||||||
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reference levels specifies the high and low reference levels required to determine the transition interval. mid ref level is not used in transition measurements. Reference levels provide a means to identify the position in time of the waveform feature measured.
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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality. | ||||||||||||||||
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percent level settings specifies the method LabVIEW uses to determine the high and low state levels of a waveform. If you select percent ref units, percent level settings determines the reference levels. Otherwise, LabVIEW ignores this input.
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slope is a measure of the rate of change of the signal in a transition region between high ref level and low ref level. slope is given by the following equation.
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transition duration is the time span from when the waveform crosses the low ref level until it crosses the high ref level in seconds for a rising transition polarity. The measurement starts at the left edge of the waveform and finds all low ref level crossings preceding the first high ref level crossing. The final low ref level crossing is used in the calculation. A rising polarity transition duration is known as rise time, and a falling polarity transition duration is known as fall time, as shown in the following example:![]() |
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pre-transition contains the undershoot and overshoot for the waveform in signal in. Refer to the Details section for more information about the pre-transition output.
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post-transition contains the undershoot and overshoot for the waveform in signal in. Refer to the Details section for more information about the post-transition output.
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error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. | ||||||||||||||||
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measurement info returns the transition interval end points and the absolute reference levels used to define the transition.
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edge number specifies the transition to measure. An edge number of n with rising polarity selected indicates that the VI measures the nth rising transition it detects in the input waveform. | ||||||||||||||||
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signal(s) in is the array of waveforms to measure. The waveform is required to contain at least edge number transitions in the direction specified by polarity. A rising transition is the interval between adjacent rising low ref level and high ref level crossings. A falling transition is the interval between adjacent falling high ref level and low ref level crossings. | ||||||||||||||||
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polarity specifies the direction of the transition to measure as rising (default) or falling. | ||||||||||||||||
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reference levels specifies the high and low reference levels required to determine the transition interval. mid ref level is not used in transition measurements. Reference levels provide a means to identify the position in time of the waveform feature measured.
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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality. | ||||||||||||||||
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percent level settings specifies the method LabVIEW uses to determine the high and low state levels of a waveform. If you select percent ref units, percent level settings determines the reference levels. Otherwise, LabVIEW ignores this input.
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slope is an array containing the slew rate for each waveform in signal(s) in. slope is a measure of the rate of change of the signal in a transition region between high ref level and low ref level. slope is given by the following equation.
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transition duration is an array of the time spans from when each waveform crosses the low ref level until it crosses the high ref level in seconds for a rising transition polarity. The measurement starts at the left edge of the waveform and finds all low ref level crossings preceding the first high ref level crossing. The final low ref level crossing is used in the calculation. A rising polarity transition duration is known as rise time, and a falling polarity transition duration is known as fall time, as shown in the following example:![]() |
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pre-transition contains the undershoot and overshoot for each waveform in signal(s) in. Refer to the Details section for more information about the pre-transition output.
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post-transition contains the undershoot and overshoot for each waveform in signal(s) in. Refer to the Details section for more information about the post-transition output.
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error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. | ||||||||||||||||
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measurement info is an array of clusters containing measurement information for each input waveform.
To calculate the pre-transition undershoot and overshoot, LabVIEW searches for a local minimum and maximum in the pre-transition aberration region immediately preceding the beginning of the transition specified by edge number and polarity. The pre-transition aberration region is defined as the minimum of 3*(end time – start time) and (current transition start time – previous transition end time) / 2. If the transition to measure is the first in the waveform, the interval is defined as the minimum of 3*(end time – start time) and (start time – beginning of the waveform).
If polarity is falling, LabVIEW calculates the pre-transition undershoot using the following equation:
If polarity is rising, LabVIEW calculates the pre-transition undershoot using the following equation:
If polarity is falling, LabVIEW calculates the pre-transition overshoot using the following equation:
If polarity is rising, LabVIEW calculates the pre-transition overshoot using the following equation:
![]() | Note LabVIEW uses the Histogram method to calculate the state levels and amplitude, regardless of the method specified by percent level settings. |
To calculate the post-transition undershoot and overshoot, LabVIEW searches for a local minimum and maximum in the post-transition aberration region immediately following the end of the transition specified by edge number and polarity. The post-transition aberration region is defined as the minimum of 3*(end time – start time) and (next transition start time – current transition end time) / 2. If the transition to measure is the last in the waveform, the interval is defined as the minimum of 3*(end time – start time) and (end of the waveform – end time).
If polarity is falling, LabVIEW calculates the post-transition undershoot using the following equation:
If polarity is rising, LabVIEW calculates the post-transition undershoot using the following equation:
If polarity is falling, LabVIEW calculates the post-transition overshoot using the following equation:
If polarity is rising, LabVIEW calculates the post-transition overshoot using the following equation:
![]() | Note LabVIEW uses the Histogram method to calculate the state levels and amplitude, regardless of the method specified by percent level settings. |
The following illustration shows the undershoot and overshoot in a negative single transition.
The following illustration shows the undershoot and overshoot in a positive single transition.
Refer to the following VIs for examples of using the Transition Measurements VI: