Basic Averaged DC-RMS VI

Owning Palette: Waveform Measurements VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Calculates the DC and RMS values of an input waveform or array of waveforms. This VI is similar to the Averaged DC-RMS VI, but this VI returns only one DC value and one RMS value per input waveform.

Wire data to the signal in input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.


Use the pull-down menu to select an instance of this VI.

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Basic Averaged DC-RMS for 1 Chan

reset resets the history of your time signal. You typically use reset to reset the exponentially averaged measurement.
signal in is the input waveform.
averaging type is the type of averaging used during the measurement. Because this VI computes one DC and one RMS value per input waveform, the input record length selects the averaging time. If averaging type is exponential, this VI calculates the DC and RMS values using an exponentially weighted averaging measurement starting from the previous DC and RMS values.

0Linear—Averaging time is equal to the record length.
1Exponential—Time constant is half the record length.
window is the window to be applied to the time record before DC/RMS computation. LabVIEW ignores this input if averaging type is exponential.

0Rectangular (no window)
2Low side lobe
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
DC value is the measured DC value in volts if the signal is in volts.
RMS value is the measured RMS value in volts if the signal is in volts.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
measurement info returns information about your measurement, mainly warnings for inconsistencies in your input signal.
uncertainty is reserved for future use.
Warning is TRUE if a warning is generated during processing.
comments contains a warning message when Warning is TRUE.

Basic Averaged DC-RMS for N Chan

The multichannel waveform array input should be the result of a multichannel acquisition where each element of the array of waveforms is a distinct and separate channel of data.

reset resets the history of your time signal. You typically use reset to reset the exponentially averaged measurement.
signals in is the array of input waveforms.
averaging type is the type of averaging used during the measurement. Because this VI computes one DC and one RMS value per input waveform, the input record length selects the averaging time. If averaging type is exponential, this VI calculates the DC and RMS values using an exponentially weighted averaging measurement starting from the previous DC and RMS values.

0Linear—Averaging time is equal to the record length.
1Exponential—Time constant is half the record length.
window is the window to be applied to the time record before DC/RMS computation. LabVIEW ignores this input if averaging type is exponential.

0Rectangular (no window)
2Low side lobe
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
DC values is an array of the measured DC values.
RMS values is an array of the measured RMS values.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
measurements info is an array that returns information about your measurement, mainly warnings for inconsistencies in your input signal.
uncertainty is reserved for future use.
Warning is TRUE if a warning is generated during processing.
comments contains a warning message when Warning is TRUE.

Basic Averaged DC-RMS Details

This VI is designed to process a single channel or multiple channels continuously, typically from within a For Loop or a While Loop.

Note  The Basic Averaged DC-RMS VI assumes that consecutive data blocks are continuous. If they are not, the VI returns a warning.