Inline Method

Short Name: Inline

Requires: VI Scripting

Class: SubVI Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Inlines the subVI into its calling VIs.

National Instruments recommends that you use the Execution:Inline SubVI method when possible to more safely inline a subVI into the block diagram of each calling VI.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
Make Space in Block DiagramYesSpecifies whether to rearrange the block diagram of the calling VI to make space for the inlined code from the subVI. If this input is FALSE, LabVIEW places the inlined code in the exact location of the original subVI node, often overlapping the surrounding code in the calling VI.
Wrap in SequenceYesSpecifies whether to wrap the inlined code in a single frame of a Flat Sequence structure so that none of the inlined code can begin executing until all of the inputs to the original subVI are available. Furthermore, the Flat Sequence structure frame prevents any code downstream from the original subVI from executing until all of the inlined code finishes executing.
Sequence RefnumNoIf Wrap in Sequence is TRUE, this output returns a reference to the Flat Sequence structure that LabVIEW created around the inlined code.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryYes
Remote access allowedYes