OverridableParameterTerminal Properties

Requires: VI Scripting

Inherits from Terminal»ParameterTerminal. View the class hierarchy.

No properties are specific to this class.

Fixed-Point:Maximum Word LengthReads or writes the maximum word length of the fixed-point value. Details
Fixed-Point:Overflow PolicyReads or writes the overflow policy of the fixed-point value. Details
Fixed-Point:Quantization PolicyReads or writes the quantization policy of the fixed-point value. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:ActualReads the actual range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:DeltaReads the actual delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:Range MaxReads the actual maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:Range MinReads the actual minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:BitsReads or writes the encoding of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:Integer Word LengthReads or writes the integer word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:SignedReads or writes whether the fixed-point value is a signed value. FALSE means unsigned. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:Word LengthReads or writes the word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:DesiredReads or writes the desired range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:DeltaReads or writes the desired delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:Range MaxReads or writes the desired maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:Range MinReads or writes the desired minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Details
Fixed-Point:Representation:Include Overflow Status PolicyReads or writes whether LabVIEW includes an overflow status with the fixed-point number. Details
Numeric Override PolicyReads or writes the numeric override policy of the terminal. Details
Numeric Override RepresentationReads or writes the numeric override representation of the terminal. Details
RepresentationHack to simplify Property Page. Reading returns representation from terms data type. Writing sets override type to rep and policy to always. Details
Uses Fixed-Point Overflow and QuantizationReturns true if the computation of this parms value uses the fixed-point overflow and quantization policies. E.g. returns false for i8+i8=i16. Details