Set Type Method

Short Name: SetType

Requires: VI Scripting

Class: ClassSpecifierConstant Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Sets the type of the referenced class specifier constant.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
ID StringYesSpecifies the unique ID string of the class specifier constant you want to set. Use the All Types[] property to determine the unique ID string. Set Allow Alternative Name? to TRUE if you want to match the ID String to its localized name.
Allow Alternate Name?NoSpecifies whether you can set the type of the class specifier constant using its localized name. The default is FALSE, which means you must specify the non-localized, unique ID string of the class specifier constant in ID String.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemNo
Settable when the VI is runningNo
Loads the front panel into memoryYes
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryYes
Remote access allowedYes