AbstractDiagram Properties

Requires: VI Scripting

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All Objects[]Provides an array of references to all the top-level objects in the block diagram. Details
Breakpoint StatusReads or writes the status of a breakpoint on a diagram. Details
ColorColor of the diagram. Details
Decorations[]Array of references to the top-level decorations in the diagram. Details
Firing OrderReturns the firing order of the diagram as an array of nodes. The property organizes the firing order from first to last. Details
Nodes[]Returns references to all the nodes in the diagram. Details
Subdiagram LabelReturns a reference to the subdiagram label. If the structure does not have a subdiagram label, this property returns an error. Details
SubVIs[]Provides an array of references to the top-level subVIs in the diagram. Details
Wires[]Provides an array of references to all the wires connecting the top-level objects in the diagram. Details