Node Properties

Property Description
Child Nodes A Node List that contains all children of the node. Details
Child Nodes Array An array of nodes that contains all children of the node. Details
Element Attributes A NamedNodeMap that contains the attributes of the node, if it is an element. Details
First Child The first child of the node. The property returns an invalid reference if the node does not exist. Details
Last Child The last child of the node. The property returns an invalid reference if the node does not exist. Details
Local Name Returns the local part of the qualified name of the node. The property returns an invalid reference for nodes of a type other than ELEMENT_NODE and ATTRIBUTE_NODE and nodes created with a DOM Level 1 method, such as Create Element from the Document interface. Details
Namespace Prefix The namespace prefix of the node. The property returns an empty string if the node does not specify a namespace prefix. Details
Namespace URI The namespace URI of the node. The property returns an empty string if the node does not specify a namespace URI. Details
Next Sibling The node that immediately follows this node. The property returns an invalid reference if the node does not exist. Details
Node Name The name of the node, depending on its type. Details
Node Type An enum value that represents the type of the node. Details
Node Value The value of the node, depending on its type. Details
Owner Document The owner document associated with the node. Details
Parent Node The Parent Node of the node. The property returns an invalid reference for documents, DocumentFragments, and attributes. Details
Previous Sibling The node that immediately precedes this node. The property returns an invalid reference if the node does not exist. Details