Document Properties

This class inherits from the Node class.

Property Description
Document Element The Child Node that is the root element of the document. Details
Document Encoding Sets or gets the encoding of a document. Details
Document Type The Document Type Definition (DTD) associated with the document. Details
Load External DTD Enables or disables external DTD loading. When set to FALSE, the parser ignores external DTD completely if you set the validation scheme to Never. Default state is true. The parser ignores this property if the validation scheme is set to Always or Auto. Details
Preserve Whitespace Sets whether a validating parser includes ignorable white spaces as Text Nodes. It has no effect on non-validating parsers that always include non-markup text. The default is TRUE, which causes the parser to add ignorable white spaces to the DOM tree as Text Nodes. If you set the property to FALSE, the parser discards all ignorable white space and does not add Text Nodes to the DOM tree. Details
Process Namespaces Enables or disables the parser namespace processing. When set to TRUE, the parser enforces the constraints and rules that the NameSpace specification includes. Details
Process Schema Enables or disables the parser schema processing. The default is FALSE, in which the parser does not process schema that it finds. Details
Note��If you set the property to TRUE, you also must enable namespace processing.
Schema Full Checking Enables full schema constraint checking. This property works only if you enable schema validation. The default is FALSE, which means the parser performs partial constraint checking. Full schema constraint checking can be time-consuming or memory intensive. The property controls particle unique attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction checking. Details
Validate On Load Allows users to set the validation scheme that the parser uses. The value is one of the ValSchemes enumerated values that this class defines. Details
XML Implementation The Implementation object that handles the document. Details