TreeControl Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

Active Cell:Active Column NumberSets the column of the active cell(s). Details
Active Cell:Background ColorThe background color of the active cell(s). Details
Active Cell:Cell FontThe font of the active cell in the tree control. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:BoldIndicates whether the text in the active cell is bold. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:ColorThe text font color in the active cell. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:ItalicIndicates whether the text in the active cell is italic. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:NameThe name of the font in the active cell. Predefined font names include App Font, Sys Font, and Dlg Font. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:SizeThe size of the font in the active cell. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:StrikeoutIndicates whether to strike out the text in the active cell. Details
Active Cell:Cell Font:UnderlineIndicates whether the text in the active cell is underlined. Details
Active Cell:Cell JustificationGets and sets the justification of text. Details
Active Cell:Cell SizeThe size of the active cell(s) in pixels. Details
Active Cell:Cell Size:HeightThe height of the active cell(s) in pixels. Details
Active Cell:Cell Size:WidthThe width of the active cell(s) in pixels. Details
Active Cell:PositionThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the active cell(s). Details
Active Cell:Position:LeftThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the active cell. Details
Active Cell:Position:TopThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the active cell. Details
Active Cell:StringThe string in the active cell(s). Details
Active Item:Child-Only?If TRUE, you cannot indent other items under the active item(s). Details
Active Item:Disabled?If TRUE, the active item(s) appears dimmed and you cannot select the item(s). Details
Active Item:Indent LevelThe level at which the active item(s) appears in the hierarchy. Wire a value of 0 to this property to move the item to the highest level in the hierarchy. Details
Active Item:Open?If TRUE, the active item(s) appears expanded to display items indented under it. Details
Active Item:Row NumberThe row number of the item to which you want to apply subsequent property changes. Wire a value of –1 to this property to select the column headers. Wire a value of –2 to select all rows. Details
Active Item:Symbol IndexThe index of the symbol for the active item(s). Details
Active Item:TagThe tag of the item(s) to which you want to apply subsequent property changes. Details
All TagsThe tags of all items in a tree control. This property returns the tags of both visible and hidden items in order from the top of the tree control to the bottom. Details
Allow Editing CellsIf TRUE, users can edit non-header cells in this control at run time by clicking the cell text and then clicking it a second time after a short pause. If FALSE, users cannot edit non-header cells. Details
Allow Selection of Parent ItemsIf TRUE, users can select items that have other items indented under them and items that are not child-only and do not have other items indented under them. If FALSE, users can select only items with a value of TRUE for the Child-Only? property. Details
Autosizing Row HeightDetermines whether the rows autosize their height to display all text when fonts change or when the number of lines in a cell changes. Details
Column Header Strings[]An array of the strings in the column headers. Details
Content Rect BoundsThe size in pixels of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Content Rect Bounds:HeightThe height in pixels of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Content Rect Bounds:WidthThe width in pixels of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Content Rect PositionThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Content Rect Position:LeftThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Content Rect Position:TopThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the content rectangle of the tree control. Details
Displayed ItemsReturns the unique tags of all visible items in the tree control in display order. If an item is indented under another item and the parent item is not expanded, this property does not return the tags of any items indented under that parent item. Details
Drag/Drop:Allow Drag and Drop Outside ControlIf TRUE, this enables the control to drag items to other controls and accept drags from other controls. Details
Drag/Drop:Allow DraggingIf TRUE, you can drag items from this control. Details
Drag/Drop:Allow Dragging of Parent ItemsIf FALSE, the user cannot drag an item in the tree control unless the item is child-only. Details
Drag/Drop:Allow DroppingIf TRUE, LabVIEW automatically accepts drops containing the LV_TREE_TAG, LV_TEXT, or LV_TREE_ITEMS data types. The LV_TREE_TAG data type is a string that represents the tag from which you drag. The LV_TEXT data type is of type string. The LV_TREE_ITEMS data type is an array of a cluster containing an array of strings, from left to right, in the item you are dragging, an integer representing the glyph index associated with the item from which you are dragging data, and an integer representing the indent level of the item from which you are dragging. Details
Drag/Drop:Allow Dropping Between ItemsIf FALSE, the user cannot drag an item to place it between two other items at the same hierarchical level. Details
Drag/Drop:Drag ModeSets the default behavior for a drag and drop operation for the control. The settings apply only when the control configured is the source of the drag and drop operation. Details
Edit PositionThe row-column pair index of the current text entry. Values of (0,0) indicate the top-left text entry. A value of –1 indicates the row or column header. Values of (–2, –2) indicate that no edits are being made to the text of the control. Before you use this property to set text focus on a control, set key focus of the control. Details
Expand/Contract Symbol:Show Symbol at RootShows or hides the expand/contract symbols for items at indent level 0. The indent level 0 items become flush with the left side of the tree control when you hide the expand/contract symbols. Details
Expand/Contract Symbol:Symbol TypeThe type of symbol to display next to each item that has other items indented under it. Valid values include 0 (None), 1 (LabVIEW), 2 (Mac OS X), 3 (Windows), and 4 (Default). Details
Focus ItemReads or writes an item tag to specify the tree's focus item, which is used as the basis when navigating using the arrow keys. Details
Is Array?Returns TRUE if the tree has an array data type. Details
Keyboard ModeSets how to handle upper and lowercase characters when you type characters in a tree control at run time. Valid values include 0 (System Default), 1 (Case Sensitive), and 2 (Case Insensitive). Details
Multiple Line InputIf TRUE, you can enter multiple lines of text in the tree control cells by pressing the <Enter> key on the keyboard. If FALSE, pressing the <Enter> key on the keyboard while editing cells causes LabVIEW to commit the edits in the current cell and the text focus moves to the next cell. This property does not affect run-time behavior of the tree control. Details
Number of ColumnsNumber of visible columns in the tree control. This property counts partially visible columns. Details
Number of RowsNumber of visible rows in the tree control, excluding column headers. This property counts partially visible rows. Details
Row Header Strings[]An array of the strings in the row headers. Details
Select Entire RowsHighlights the entire row if you select a row in the tree. Details
Selection ColorThe color used to highlight the selected items. Details
Selection ModeNumber of items the user can select. Valid values include 0 (zero or one), 1 (one), 2 (zero or more), and 3 (one or more). Details
Sibling MultiselectIf TRUE and the Selection Mode is 0 or More Items, users can select multiple items only if those items are siblings. Details
SizeThe width and height in pixels of the tree control. Details
Size:HeightThe height of the tree control in pixels. Details
Size:WidthThe width of the tree control in pixels. Details
Top Left Visible CellThe unique tag and column of the item string displayed in the top left corner of the tree control. Use this property to read or change the top item, or use it to read or change the leftmost column of information displayed. Details
Visible Items:Column Headers VisibleIf TRUE, displays the column headers. Details
Visible Items:Hierarchy Lines VisibleIf Visible, lines to outline the hierarchy of the items are always visible as vertical and horizontal lines to the left of the items in the tree control. If Invisible, the hierarchy lines are always invisible. If OS Default, LabVIEW displays the hierarchy lines if trees in the operating system show hierarchy lines. Details
Visible Items:Horizontal Lines VisibleIf TRUE, displays horizontal lines that separate rows in the tree control. Details
Visible Items:Horizontal Scrollbar VisibleIf TRUE, displays the horizontal scroll bar. Details
Visible Items:Row Headers VisibleShows the row headers. Details
Visible Items:Symbols VisibleIf TRUE, displays the item symbols. Details
Visible Items:Vertical Lines VisibleIf TRUE, displays vertical lines that separate columns in the tree control. Details
Visible Items:Vertical Scrollbar VisibleIf TRUE, displays the vertical scroll bar. Details