Scrollbar Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

Coerce Maximum ValueCoerces the scroll bar value to Doc Max when the value is greater than the maximum value of the scrolling range. Details
Coerce Minimum ValueCoerces the scroll bar value to Doc Min when the value is less than the minimum value of the scrolling range. Details
Doc MaxMaximum value of the scrolling range. Details
Doc MinMinimum value of the scrolling range. Details
Housing LengthLength of the housing in pixels. Details
IncrementIncrement value of the scrolling range. When you click the increment and decrement arrows, the scroll bar value adds or subtracts the increment value to move the scroll box toward the arrow that you click. Details
Page SizePage size of the scrolling range. When you click the spaces between the scroll box and the arrows, the scroll bar value changes by the page size. Details
RepresentationUse this property to get or set data types on a scrollbar control. Details