SceneGraphDisplay Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

Automatic Projection ModeReads or writes whether LabVIEW automatically updates the projection mode for the scene. If set to Orthographic or Perspective, LabVIEW sets up an appropriate projection based on the scene or the size of the control. Details
Background ColorReads or writes the RGBA color value for the background of the 3D scene. Details
Camera Controller:Auto RedrawReads or writes if this control becomes invalid when you use the camera controller. Details
Camera Controller:TypeReads or writes the configuration of the scene camera. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to operate the camera. Details
Content BoundsReads or writes the bounds for the 3D picture control in which LabVIEW renders a 3D scene. Details
Content Bounds:HeightReads or writes the height of the 3D picture control. Details
Content Bounds:WidthReads or writes the width of the 3D picture control. Details
Content PositionReads or writes the position of the area in which content appears in the 3D picture control. Details
Content Position:HorizontalReads or writes the horizontal position of the area in which content appears in the 3D picture control. Details
Content Position:VerticalReads or writes the vertical position of the area in which content appears in the 3D picture control. Details
ModelView MatrixReads or writes a matrix that contains the translation, rotation, and scale values for the 3D scene that appears in the 3D picture control. Details
Projection MatrixRead or writes the matrix that represents the transformations LabVIEW uses to project the scene in the 3D picture control viewer. Details