Picture Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control. View the class hierarchy.

CursorGets or sets the cursor you want to use when you move the mouse over a picture control. Details
Default ValueGets or sets the default value of the picture control. Details
Draw Area SizeSize of the draw area in terms of width and height in pixels. Details
Erase FirstIndicates whether to erase picture before drawing: 0-Do not erase, 1-Erase once now, 2-Always erase. Details
Horizontal Scrollbar VisibleShows or hides the horizontal scroll bar for the picture control. Details
MouseMouse information specified as a cluster of (Mouse Position, Mouse Modifiers). Mouse Position is a cluster of (Vertical, Horizontal) coordinates. Mouse Modifiers is a cluster of (Mouse button pressed?, Shift key down?, Menu key down?, and Option key down?). Details
OriginHorizontal and vertical coordinates of the point in the picture you want to display in the upper left corner of the picture control or indicator. Details
Origin:LeftHorizontal coordinate of the point in the picture you want to display in the upper left corner of the picture control or indicator. Details
Origin:TopVertical coordinate of the point in the picture you want to display in the upper left corner of the picture control or indicator. Details
ValueValue of the picture control. Details
Value (Signaling)Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event. Details
Vertical Scrollbar VisibleShows or hides the vertical scroll bar for the picture control. Details
Zoom FactorFactor by which to scale the image in a picture control or indicator. Details