Pane Events

Requires: Base Development System

View the class hierarchy.

Mouse DownGenerated when you click the mouse button on a pane. Details
Mouse Down?Generated when you click the mouse button on a pane. Details
Mouse EnterGenerated when the cursor enters the bounds of the pane. Details
Mouse LeaveGenerated when the cursor leaves the bounds of the pane. Details
Mouse MoveGenerated when you move the mouse over a pane. Details
Mouse UpGenerated when you release the mouse button on a pane. LabVIEW does not generate this event if a shortcut menu appears when you click the mouse button. Details
Mouse WheelGenerated when you scroll the mouse wheel over a pane. Details
Pane SizeGenerated when the user sizes the pane by clicking and dragging the window frame, clicking and dragging a splitter bar, maximizing the front panel, or when the user restores the pane to its original size from a maximized state. Details
Shortcut Menu Activation?Generated when the user right-clicks blank space on the front panel to display the shortcut menu. Details
Shortcut Menu Selection (User)Generated when the user selects a user-defined shortcut menu item from the shortcut menu of the pane. Details