Pane Size Event

Requires: Base Development System

Class: Pane Events

Type: Notify

Generated when the user sizes the pane by clicking and dragging the window frame, clicking and dragging a splitter bar, maximizing the front panel, or when the user restores the pane to its original size from a maximized state.

Use this event when you want to perform computations necessary for resizing. You can use the OldBnds and NewBnds event data field values to determine how the user resized the pane.

Because LabVIEW may generate multiple Pane Size events while you resize the pane, LabVIEW generates a final event at the end of the resizing operation in which OldBnds and NewBnds return the same value. You can use the values to identify in the code when the sizing operation finishes.

Event Data Fields

SourceSource of the event. LabVIEW UI refers to any built-in user interface event.

TypeType of event that occurred, such as Mouse Down, Value Change, Timeout, and so on.
TimeValue of the millisecond timer when the event occurred.
PaneRefReference to the pane on which the event occurred.
OldBndsReturns a cluster of coordinates in pixels that specify the location of the pane before the user resized the pane. Coordinates refer to the upper left and lower right position of the pane.
NewBndsReturns a cluster of coordinates in pixels that specify the location of the pane after the user resized the pane. Coordinates refer to the upper left and lower right position of the pane.