NamedNumeric Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control»Numeric. View the class hierarchy.

Digital DisplayReference to a numeric text digital display. Details
Disabled Items []Accepts an array of indexes on a ring object to disable. Indexes are 0 based. Disabled Items [] enables every item in the ring upon execution. The property then disables items that correspond to indexes that appear in the array. If the array is empty or some values are out of range, LabVIEW ignores those items and does not return an error. All other items in the ring object are enabled. Details
Increment/Decrement Visible?Shows or hides the increment and decrement buttons on a numeric control. Details
Named Numeric SizeSize of the named numeric in terms of width and height in pixels. Details
Named Numeric Size:HeightHeight of the named numeric in pixels. Details
Named Numeric Size:WidthWidth of the named numeric in pixels. Details
Number of ItemsNumber of items in the ring or enumerated type object. This property is useful for animation. Details
Ring TextReturns a reference to the text of the currently selected item in the ring or enumerated type object. Details
Strings []Array of the items from which you can select in the named numeric control. For enumerated type controls, the index of each item in the array is the same as the value in the enumerated type control. For ring controls, the order of the items in the array is the same as the order in which they are displayed in the ring control. Details