Digital Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic»GObject»Control»Numeric. View the class hierarchy.

Display FormatSpecifies the format and precision of the digital numeric value. Format can be 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, or 9-Custom (read-only). Precision is the number of digits after the decimal point. Details
Display Format:FormatSpecifies the format of the digital numeric value. This property accepts the following format values: 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Date and Time, 8-SI, and 9-Custom (read-only). You cannot wire a value of 9 to this property because the value is read-only. This property returns a value of 9 if the object uses automatic formatting, the format string contains text, or the format string includes more than one format specifier. Details
Display Format:PrecisionNumber of digits after the decimal point. If you wire a value of 9 to the Format property, this property returns an error. Details
Format StringGets and sets the format of the digital numeric control. Details
Increment/Decrement Visible?If TRUE, shows the increment and decrement buttons on a numeric control. If FALSE, this property hides the buttons. Details
Numeric TextReference to numeric text. Details
Radix Visible?Shows or hides the radix, which you can use to change the data to decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary format, or SI notation. Details
Text WidthWidth of the numeric text display in pixels. Details