3D Mesh Properties

Requires: Full Development System

Property Description
Plot Specific:Active Plot Gets or sets the active plot. Details
Plot Specific:General:Plot Name Configures the text of the plot name. Details
Plot Specific:General:Plot Opacity Specifies the level of opacity of the color you apply to the plot. Details
Plot Specific:General:Coordinates System Configures the coordinate system to display the 3D plot. Details
Plot Specific:Projection:Draw XY Projection Displays the plot projection on the XY plane. Details
Plot Specific:Projection:Draw XZ Projection Displays the plot projection on the XZ plane. Details
Plot Specific:Projection:Draw YZ Projection Displays the plot projection on the YZ plane. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Fill Color Sets the fill color of the mesh. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Mesh Color Ramp Sets the color map for the mesh lines. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Mesh Line Style Specifies the style of the mesh lines. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Mesh Line Width Specifies the width of the mesh lines. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Mesh Line Anti-aliasing Uses anti-aliasing to show the mesh lines. Details
Plot Specific:Mesh:Mesh Mode Sets the display mode to show a different mesh. Details