Autotuning PID Controllers (PID and Fuzzy Logic)

Often, many PID controllers are poorly tuned. As a result, some controllers are too aggressive and some controllers are too sluggish. Tuning a controller involves adjusting the parameters of the system to get the desired, or optimal, response. However, manually tuning PID controllers can be difficult when you do not know the process dynamics or disturbances. In this case, you can use autotuning to automatically test different parameter values and determine the best response.

Choose from the following VIs that integrate autotuning based on your specific application needs and your knowledge of tuning theory.

Use Case VI Name
  • Autotuning that runs with minimal user input or knowledge of tuning algorithms.
  • Single VI implements a controller for a system and allows tuning.
PID Advanced Autotuning VI
PID Autotuning (Temperature) VI
PID Online Autotuning VI
  • Generating PID parameters for a system given an input/output signal. This technique is useful when you have insufficient information about the system and you want to develop initial parameters based on system response.
  • Provides access to multiple methods for determining PID parameters. Other PID VIs automatically determine the method.
PID Autotuning Design VI
PID Autotuning VI
  • PID applications with high-speed control and/or high channel count on an FPGA target.
  • Implements a fixed-point PID algorithm.

Related Information

Updating PID Parameters After Autotuning

Logging Parameter Values After Autotuning

Online Autotuning Techniques

Autotuning Methods for Testing PID Parameters