2. Loading the Fuzzy System

Before modifying the greenhouse fuzzy system, you must load the .fs file. Complete the following steps to load the greenhouse.fs file.

  1. Select File�New VI to create a new, blank VI.
  2. Press the <Ctrl-E> keys to display the block diagram.
  3. Add the FL Load Fuzzy System VI to the block diagram.
  4. Right-click the file path input of the FL Load Fuzzy System VI and select Create�Constant from the shortcut menu.
  5. Enter the absolute path to the greenhouse.fs file in the path constant.
    Note��You also can use the File I/O VIs and functions to create a relative path to wire to the file path input.
  6. Select File�Save and save the VI as Modified Greenhouse Fuzzy System.vi in an easily accessible location.
1. Observing the Fuzzy System
Tutorial: Modifying a Fuzzy System with the Fuzzy Logic VIs
3. Modifying a Linguistic Variable