Fuzzy System Parameters

Many Fuzzy Logic VIs contain a fuzzy system in or fuzzy system out parameter that contains the complete information for a fuzzy system. Wire the fuzzy system out output from one VI to the fuzzy system in input of another VI.

fuzzy system in contains the following cluster elements. fuzzy system out contains similar cluster elements to fuzzy system in, except that the cluster elements are indicators instead of controls.

Note Note  Do not modify the fuzzy system in and fuzzy system out clusters directly. Use the Fuzzy Logic VIs to modify these clusters instead.

input variables specifies the input linguistic variables for the fuzzy system. Each input linguistic variable contains the following cluster elements.
name specifies the name of the linguistic variable.
range specifies the minimum and maximum values of the linguistic variable.
membership functions specifies the linguistic terms for the linguistic variable and the degree of membership of the linguistic variable within those linguistic terms. Each element of the membership functions array corresponds to a linguistic term.
name specifies the name of the membership function, or linguistic term, you want to modify.
shape specifies the shape of the function that determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.

0Triangle—Specifies that a triangle function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
1Trapezoid—Specifies that a trapezoid function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
2Singleton—Specifies that a singleton function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable. A singleton function has only one point. Therefore, no value of the linguistic variable has partial membership within the corresponding linguistic term.
3Sigmoid—Specifies that a sigmoid function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
4Gaussian—Specifies that a Gaussian function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
5User-Defined—Specifies that the user-defined shape corresponding to the user-defined shape index determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
user-defined shape index specifies the index of the user-defined shape that determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable. This parameter is applicable only if you set shape to User-Defined. Define the user-defined shapes in the user-defined membership function shapes array in both the FL New Fuzzy System VI and the User-Defined instance of the FL Create Membership Function VI.
color specifies the color of the membership function when you view the membership function in the Fuzzy System Designer. You can wire a color box constant to this input.
points specifies the values of the linguistic variable corresponding to the base and top points, in order from left to right and base to top, of the membership function. The degree of membership of the linguistic variable within the linguistic term name is 0 at the base points and 1 at the top points. Specify one point for a singleton function, three points for a triangle function, and four points for trapezoid, sigmoid, or Gaussian functions.

output variables specifies the output linguistic variables for the fuzzy system. Each output linguistic variable contains the following cluster elements.
name specifies the name of the linguistic variable.
range specifies the minimum and maximum values of the linguistic variable.
membership functions specifies the linguistic terms for the linguistic variable and the degree of membership of the linguistic variable within those linguistic terms. Each element of the membership functions array corresponds to a linguistic term.
name specifies the name of the membership function, or linguistic term, you want to modify.
shape specifies the shape of the function that determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.

0Triangle—Specifies that a triangle function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
1Trapezoid—Specifies that a trapezoid function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
2Singleton—Specifies that a singleton function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable. A singleton function has only one point. Therefore, no value of the linguistic variable has partial membership within the corresponding linguistic term.
3Sigmoid—Specifies that a sigmoid function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
4Gaussian—Specifies that a Gaussian function determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
5User-Defined—Specifies that the user-defined shape corresponding to the user-defined shape index determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable.
user-defined shape index specifies the index of the user-defined shape that determines the degrees of membership for the linguistic variable. This parameter is applicable only if you set shape to User-Defined. Define the user-defined shapes in the user-defined membership function shapes array in both the FL New Fuzzy System VI and the User-Defined instance of the FL Create Membership Function VI.
color specifies the color of the membership function when you view the membership function in the Fuzzy System Designer. You can wire a color box constant to this input.
points specifies the values of the linguistic variable corresponding to the base and top points, in order from left to right and base to top, of the membership function. The degree of membership of the linguistic variable within the linguistic term name is 0 at the base points and 1 at the top points. Specify one point for a singleton function, three points for a triangle function, and four points for trapezoid, sigmoid, or Gaussian functions.

rules specifies the rules for the fuzzy system. Use the input variables and output variables to form the antecedents and consequents, respectively, of the rules.
antecedents specifies the antecedents, or IF portions, of the rule. Each antecedent consists of three parts: the index of an input linguistic variable, an operator that specifies whether to calculate the degree of membership or the degree of non-membership of the input linguistic variable within a linguistic term, and the index of the linguistic term. The indexes correspond to the order in which the variables or linguistic terms were created.
consequents specifies the consequents, or THEN portions, of the rule. Each consequent consists of three parts: the index of an output linguistic variable, an operator that specifies whether to calculate the degree of membership or the degree of non-membership of the output linguistic variable within a linguistic term, and the index of the linguistic term. The indexes correspond to the order in which the variables or linguistic terms were created.
antecedent connective specifies how this VI calculates the truth value of the aggregated rule antecedent.

0AND (Minimum)—Specifies that this VI uses the smallest degree of membership of the antecedents.
1AND (Product)—Specifies that this VI uses the product of the degrees of membership of the antecedents.
2OR (Maximum)—Specifies that this VI uses the largest degree of membership of the antecedents.
3OR (Probabilistic)—Specifies that this VI uses the probabilistic sum of the degrees of membership of the antecedents. The fuzzy logic controller uses the following equation to calculate the probabilistic sum: (A + B) – (A * B), where A and B are the antecedents.
degree of support specifies the weight, between 0 and 1, that you want to apply to the rule. The default is 1. Multiply the degree of support by the truth value of the aggregated rule antecedent to calculate the rule weight.
consequent implication specifies the implication method this VI uses to scale the membership functions of the output linguistic variable based on the rule weight.

0Minimum—Specifies to use the Minimum implication method.
1Product—Specifies to use the Product implication method.

defuzzification method specifies the defuzzification method this VI uses to convert the degrees of membership of output linguistic variables into numerical values.

0Center of Area—Specifies to use the Center of Area defuzzification method.
1Modified Center of Area—Specifies to use the modified Center of Area defuzzification method.
2Center of Sums—Specifies to use the Center of Sums defuzzification method.
3Center of Maximum—Specifies to use the Center of Maximum defuzzification method.
4Mean of Maximum—Specifies to use the Mean of Maximum defuzzification method.

description specifies a description for the fuzzy system.