FL Plot Variable VI

Owning Palette: Variables VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Plots a specific input or output variable that is in a fuzzy system with the membership functions of that variable.


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variable index specifies the index of the linguistic variable you want to plot. variable index corresponds to the order in which the linguistic variable was created in the fuzzy system.
input/output specifies whether the linguistic variable corresponding to variable index is an input or output variable.

0Input—Specifies that the linguistic variable corresponding to variable index is an input variable.
1Output—Specifies that the linguistic variable corresponding to variable index is an output variable.
fuzzy system in specifies the complete information for a fuzzy system. Wire the fuzzy system out output from another VI to the fuzzy system in input of this VI.
graph refnum is the refnum of the graph you want to plot to.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
fuzzy system out returns the complete information for a fuzzy system. Wire this output to the fuzzy system in input of another VI.
membership functions plot returns a plot of the membership functions for the linguistic variable.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the FuzzyEx Dynamic Fuzzy Controller for a greenhouse VI in the labview\examples\control\fuzzy\Dynamic greenhouse controller directory for an example of using the FL Plot Variable VI.

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