Sound Output VIs

Owning Palette: Sound VIs

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Sound Output VIs to configure and control a sound output device.

(Windows) You must have DirectX 8.0 or later to use the Sound Output VIs.

(Linux) You must have the Open Sound System (OSS) driver to use this VI. LabVIEW searches for input and output devices by looking for files named /dev/dsp or /dev/dspX, where X is an integer between 0 and 16. LabVIEW attempts to open each input and output device. If LabVIEW cannot detect the sound card, check that a device file named /dev/dsp or /dev/dspX exists on the local system and that you have permission to read from and write to the device. If you moved this device to a location other than the default, LabVIEW can work with a symbolic link.

Palette ObjectDescription
Play Sound FileOpens a file and starts playing it immediately.
Play WaveformPlays data from the sound output device using finite sampling. This Express VI automatically configures an output task and clears the task after the output completes.
Sound Output ClearStops the device from playing sound, clears the buffer, returns the task to the default state, and clears the resources associated with the task. The task becomes invalid.
Sound Output ConfigureConfigures a sound output device to generate data. Use the Sound Output Write VI to write the data to the device.
Sound Output InfoReturns information about the current state of a sound output task.
Sound Output Set VolumeSets the volume at which the sound output device plays.
Sound Output StartStarts playback from the device. This VI is necessary only if the Sound Output Stop VI has previously been called.
Sound Output StopStops the device from playing sound from the buffer. Use the Sound Output Clear VI to clear the data in the buffer. Use the Sound Output Start VI to restart output.
Sound Output WaitWaits until all of the sound is played by the output device.
Sound Output WriteWrites data to a sound output device. You must use the Sound Output Configure VI to configure the device if you are writing continuously. You must manually select the polymorphic instance you want to use.