Picture Functions VIs

Owning Palette: Graphics & Sound VIs

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Picture Functions VIs to create visual representations of data. Many of these picture VIs use clusters to define points and rectangles. The VIs related to drawing text use clusters and enumerations to describe the font choice and the positioning of the text.

Palette ObjectDescription
Color Box ConstantUse the color box constant to supply a constant color value to the block diagram.
Color to RGBResolves any color input, including system colors, into its respective red, green, and blue components.
Create MaskApplies a mask to an image and returns the mask information in the mask element of image data. This VI is useful if you want to make a certain color in an image transparent before writing the image to a 2D picture control.
Draw ArcDraws an arc in a picture.
Draw Circle by RadiusDraws a circle based on a specified radius and center point.
Draw Flattened PixmapDraws a 1-, 4-, or 8-bit pixmap or a 24-bit RGB pixmap into a picture.
Draw Grayed Out RectDraws a patterned rectangle in the specified picture to create the effect of graying-out a section of the picture.
Draw LineDraws a line from the current pen position to the specified location in a picture.
Draw Multiple LinesDraws multiple connected lines into a picture.
Draw OvalDraws an oval in the rectangle you specify, optionally filling the interior.
Draw PointSets a pixel in a picture to a specified color.
Draw RectangleDraws a rectangle, optionally filling the interior.
Draw Round RectDraws a rounded rectangle into a picture.
Draw Text at PointDraws a string into a picture.
Draw Text in RectDraws a string into a picture.
Draw Unflattened PixmapConverts a pixmap into a picture so you can use other Picture Functions VIs to append drawing instructions to the image. The data type you wire to the data input determines the polymorphic instance to use. If you want to convert a 4-bit or 8-bit pixmap, you must manually select the polymorphic instance you want to use.
Empty PictureReturns an empty picture. The picture input for all Picture VIs is an empty picture by default.

You also can create a picture constant for an empty or existing picture and wire the constant to any picture input. You can resize the constant or right-click it and select Visible Items»Scrollbar from the shortcut menu to view the entire picture.
Get Image SubsetReturns a subset of a source image instead of the entire image. Use the Picture to Pixmap VI to convert a picture to a cluster you can wire to image data.
Get Text RectReturns a cluster that contains the left, top, right, and bottom dimensions, in pixels, of a string.
Hilite ColorReturns two new colors well matched to the input color for highlight and shadow coloration, based on the input color and a percentage you specify.
Move PenChanges the current pen location of a picture to the specified position or by the specified amount if the position is relative.
Picture to PixmapConverts a picture to a cluster of image data you can use to perform certain tasks with the image, such as save it to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs.
RGB to ColorConverts a red, green, and blue value from 0 to 255 to the corresponding RGB color.