Use this page of the Properties dialog box to format scales and grids on a graph or chart, such as a waveform chart, XY graph, or feather plot.
This page includes the following components:
Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Axes—Sets the scale you want to configure. If you select multiple graphs or charts, the Axes control lists the types of scales the graphs or charts share. Select a type from the list to configure all scales of that type for the graphs or charts you select. You also can use the Active X Scale and Active Y Scale properties to set the scale to configure programmatically.
Name—Name of the scale.
Show scale label—Displays the scale label on the graph or chart.
Show scale—Displays the scale on the graph or chart.
Log—Maps the scale logarithmically. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to map the scale linearly.
Inverted—Reverses the positions of the minimum and maximum values on the scale.
Expand digital buses—Displays digital waveform data as individual data lines. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to display the data as a bus. This checkbox is available only for the y-scale of digital waveform graphs.
Autoscale—Automatically adjusts the scale to reflect the data you wire to the graph or chart. You also can use the Scale Fit property to configure autoscaling programmatically.
Note LabVIEW does not include hidden plots when you autoscale the axes of a graph or chart. If you want to include the hidden plots when you autoscale, make the hidden plots transparent instead. Right-click the plot legend and select Color from the shortcut menu to change the color of the plots.
Minimum—Minimum value of the scale.
Maximum—Maximum value of the scale.
Scaling Factors—Use these values to specify the value of a scale marker and to display the marker in a convenient manner. For example, if you want the scale to display in milliseconds starting at a reference time, set Offset to the reference time and Multiplier to 0.001. If you change Offset, the scale no longer uses 0 as the origin of the plot. You also can use the Offset and Multiplier property to set the offset and multiplier programmatically.
Offset—Value of the origin of the plot.
Multiplier—Interval for scaling data.
Scale Style and Colors—Style and colors of the marks on the scale.
Scale Style—Style of the marks on the scale.
Major tick—Color of the tick mark.
Minor tick—Color of the minor tick mark.
Marker text—Color of the scale marker text.
Grid Style and Colors—Style and colors of the grid.
Grid Style—Style of the grid. This option is not available for z-scales. You also can use the Grid Colors property to change the grid color programmatically.
Major grid—Color of the major grid on the scale.
Minor grid—Color of the minor grid on the scale.
Ignore waveform time stamp on x-axes—LabVIEW sets the beginning of the x-scale to 0 instead of the value specified by t0. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to include the time stamp information from the dynamic or waveform data in the x-scale. This checkbox is available only for graphs with dynamic or waveform data.