
Integers represent whole numbers and can be positive or negative. Refer to the Numeric Data Types Table for more information about numeric data type bits, digits, and range. There are four types of integers.

Byte (I8)—Byte integer numbers have 8 bits of storage.
Word (I16)—Word integer numbers have 16 bits of storage.
Long (I32)—Long integer numbers have 32 bits of storage. In most cases, it is best to use a 32-bit integer.
Quad (I64)—Quad integer numbers have 64 bits of storage.

When LabVIEW converts floating-point numbers to integers, the VI rounds to the nearest even integer. For example, LabVIEW rounds 2.5 to 2 and rounds 3.5 to 4. Refer to Numeric Conversion for more information about how LabVIEW converts numeric representations.