Numeric Conversion

If you wire an output to a destination that has a different numeric representation, LabVIEW converts the data according to the following rules:

If you wire two different numeric data types to a numeric function that expects the inputs to be the same data type, LabVIEW converts one of the terminals to the same representation as the other terminal. LabVIEW chooses the representation that uses more bits. If the number of bits is the same, LabVIEW chooses unsigned over signed.

Note Note  (FPGA Module) Coercions that occur in FPGA VIs can consume significant FPGA resources, especially when a terminal is coerced to or from the SGL data type.

LabVIEW places a coercion dot on a block diagram node to alert you that LabVIEW coerced the value passed into the node to a different representation. In certain coercions, coercion dots may lead to an increase in memory usage and execution time and a decrease in accuracy of results. To eliminate coercion dots, match the output data type of the control or constant to the data type of the receiving terminal. You can right-click the control or constant on the block diagram and select Representation from the shortcut menu to change the representation of the input value to the representation of the terminal.