Displaying a Signal

After you acquire or simulate a signal, you can display it in a graph, chart, or numeric indicator. Many Express VIs, such as the Simulate Signal, the DAQ Assistant, and Signal Analysis Express VIs, include a Signals output that you can wire to a graph, chart, or numeric indicator, such as a thermometer or digital display.

The indicator you choose depends on the type of signal. For example, if you acquire a single temperature, display the temperature in a thermometer or digital display. If you acquire several temperatures over a period of time, display those temperatures in a chart. If you acquire waveform signals, display those signals in a graph because waveforms, such as sine waves and sawtooth waves, include timing information and corresponding values.

You can configure the graph to automatically name the plot the same name as its signal type in the plot legend. For example, if you acquire or simulate a sine wave and wire the Signals output to a graph, the plot name for the signal appears as Sine in the plot legend.