Displaying Digital Lines and Buses in a Digital Waveform Graph

Customize the digital waveform graph to display only the data you want to view in the plot area. Complete the steps in the following sections to customize the digital waveform graph to display digital lines and buses, digital lines, or digital buses.

Displaying Digital Lines and Buses

Use the Group Digital Signals Express VI to organize and label digital lines and buses into a digital array. The Express VI returns the lines and buses in a digital array in the order you specify in the configuration dialog box for the Express VI.

By default, the digital waveform graph displays contracted digital lines and buses. To ensure this default behavior is enabled, right-click the digital waveform graph and confirm Advanced�Show Buses With Lines has a checkmark next to the menu item.

Displaying Digital Lines Only

By default, LabVIEW enables Advanced�Show Buses With Lines. To display only digital lines, right-click the digital waveform graph and select Advanced�Show Buses With Lines from the shortcut menu to remove the checkmark next to the menu item.

Displaying Digital Buses Only

By default, LabVIEW enables Advanced�Show Buses With Lines and Y Scale�Expand Digital Buses. To display only digital buses, disable Advanced�Show Buses With Lines by right-clicking the digital waveform graph and selecting Advanced�Show Buses With Lines from the shortcut menu to remove the checkmark next to the menu item. Right-click the digital waveform graph and select Y Scale�Expand Digital Buses to remove the checkmark next to the menu item.

Note��Y Scale�Expand Digital Buses is available only if Advanced�Show Buses With Lines is disabled and the plot legend is in standard view.

You also can use the Show Buses With Lines property to customize the digital lines and buses that appear in the plot area of the digital waveform graph programmatically.